David Hasselhoff rides a dinosaur in '80s-themed 'True Survivor' video

David Hasselhoff has been a source of much joy for fans, thanks to his acting, singing and unusual stunts. This one tops them all.


Over the years, David Hasselhoff fans have grown accustomed to his wide variety of projects. From his days starring on TV series like "Knight Rider" and "Baywatch," he's moved on to become a singing sensation in Europe and turned up in unexpected viral moments.

That's all kiddie stuff compared to catching the Hoff in his new music video, "True Survivor." In the roughly four minutes it will take to watch, you will be witness to:

  • Hoff's midair flight, in which he fires a machine gun and lands in a split on the ground
  • A dog with glowing eyes
  • Men in hockey masks and bandoliers
  • Molotov cocktails
  • Lasers
  • Lyrics like "we need some action/if we're gonna make it like a true survivor"
  • Kung-fu fighting (everybody was doing it)
  • Samurai swords
  • Portals to other dimensions
  • Thor! (Not this one.)
  • Did we say lasers?
  • A mulleted IT guy
  • Hoff riding a dinosaur

In other words, complete amazeballs.

David Hasselhoff - True Survivor. Kickstarter Sensation Kung Fury ready to #TakeHoff as 80’s icon David Hasselhoff performs the lead track ’TRUE SURVIVOR’.Vevo

Now, let's be clear: While the video looks like the embodiment of someone being completely clueless about both '80s-style action movies and Hoff's alpha-male appeal, it's actually the lead track to a new movie called "Kung Fury" that was funded through Kickstarter and knows it's a goof.

So does Hoff: "The '80s was about fun, action and heroes," he said on the film's webpage. "'Kung Fury' has it all! I’m honored to be involved with [director] David Sandberg, an up-and-coming force of nature in the animation digital entertainment world. The song is perfect for me as I really am, in real life, a True Survivor."

The Kickstarter received over $630,000 last year, and is all set for its premiere in Sweden in May, so this video is just the start of the marketing blowout. Alas, Hasselhoff is not listed as a member of the cast. He's just its biggest supporter.

And he rides dinosaurs!

Start your weekend off right and watch right now.

Follow Randee Dawn on Google+ and Twitter.