HBO admits 'Game of Thrones' coffee cup mistake, wipes it from scene

You'll see nothing, Jon Snow.


The "Game of Thrones" coffee cup has gone the way of the White Walkers.

HBO has acknowledged that the disposable cup of joe spotted in Sunday night's episode was a mistake, and the scene has been edited to remove it.

The network spoke out about the screw up in a tongue-in-cheek tweet on Monday.

"News from Winterfell,'' the show tweeted. "The latte that appeared in the episode was a mistake. #Daenerys had ordered an herbal tea."

The hubbub began brewing after eagle-eyed fans spotted what looked like a Starbucks cup sitting in front of Daenerys Targaryen, played by Emilia Clarke, for a brief moment early in the episode.

Starbucks also weighed in with a joking tweet of its own.

"TBH we're surprised she didn't order a Dragon Drink,'' the company wrote in reference to a mango drink on its menu.

Hauke Richter, an art director for the show, told Variety that the gaffe was "so blown out of proportion (because) it has not happened with ‘Thrones’ so far."

"Things can get forgotten on set," Richter said.

The scene may only live on in memes on the internet. HBO confirmed on Tuesday the cup was digitally removed from the episode its streaming services, according to NBC News.

Whether it was actually from Starbucks or another coffee chain was not officially confirmed.