Fresh homemade cookies are ready in a flash with this freeze-and-bake recipe!

Need a fresh-baked cookie fix? Stash these homemade cookie dough balls in your freezer for a single perfect cookie whenever you want it.

Make-Ahead cookies

It's 9:00 p.m. The kids are in bed and you're about to settle in on the couch with the latest DVR’ed episode of "The Good Wife" when the realization strikes: You need a cookie. And not just one from a package, either — a warm, gooey, fresh-baked cookie.You could grab a bag of Nestlé Toll House chips and spend the whole night making cookies to satisfy your craving, or you could keep a batch of these frozen cookie dough balls on hand for instant gratification.

Casey Barber

Based on a famous Jacques Torres recipe, these cookies are everything you want in a treat — crispy outside, chewy inside, golden brown, and filled with your favorite sweet mix-ins. Because the dough balls are individually frozen, you only need to bake up one or two cookies at a time — removing the temptation of having an entire batch of freshly baked cookies in the house calling your name. Customize them to your preference, like the cookies shown in these photos with chopped mini Reese's cups and mini marshmallows.