Pink's family photo captures 'parenthood of young children' perfectly

Pink's photo of her dad highlights the exhaustion that comes with parenting young children.


Over the weekend, pop superstar Pink shared a photo on Instagram that nearly every parent with young children can relate to.

The post shows an old photo of Pink's father, Jim Moore, holding her sleeping brother, Jason, in his arms. The expression on her dad's face shows the exhaustion that moms and dads know too well.

"This picture of my Dad makes me laugh so hard," Pink captioned the photo. "Never before have I seen 'parenthood of young children' captured so perfectly."

Pink went on to poke fun at her brother, as only a little sister can, saying "He was a handful. I was perfect."

She sweetly capped off the post with "love you Daddy Sir."

The pop star and her husband, Carey Hart, have two young children of their own and can surely relate to the fatigue parenting can cause.

Araya Diaz / Getty Images

The couple currently has 7-year-old Willow and 2-year-old Jameson running around, so it was no surprise when Hart posted a photo to Instagram with a similar, relatable sentiment back in August of last year. The photo, taken by Pink, shows Hart trying to use the bathroom only to be interrupted by the kids for what he dubbed a "family meeting."

Even for celebrities, sleep and privacy are hard to come by with little ones in the house!