Goth foods are back! The internet can't handle Burger King's black slushie

Burger King is at it again with another viral food that's creeping people out.

Burger King

Halloween is a super special time of year that often brings out the dark side among wannabe witches and wizards.

But it's also bringing out the dark side of certain foods. Burger King is no stranger to serving unusually colored foods (its black Halloween Whopper was a viral sensation a few years ago) and now its newest entry to the gothic game isn't a burger but a sugary frozen drink.

Just in time for Halloween, the chain has released a Frozen Fanta Scary Black Cherry slushie that is literally and totally deep black. Though the chain wouldn't reveal exactly what makes its new drink so black, its Halloween Whopper bun was colored with bamboo charcoal and squid ink (we're guessing there's no squid ink in the slushie).

Though the beverage just debuted this week, social media already has a lot to say about this limited-time offering ... and, it seems, there are some chilling side effects to watch out for.

If unusual bowel movement colors or bizarre teeth stains don't bother you, order away! Some locations are reportedly selling the drink for just $1. If you can't make it to a Burger King before Halloween, don't worry: the slush is available through Nov. 12.

Of course, if cherry-flavored foods aren't your jam, there’s always charcoal ice cream to try.