5 common cleaning mistakes — and how to fix them

The international cleaning company Karcher recently surveyed British residents to see what household chores they most commonly let slide.


Don't put that cleaning spray away just yet.

The international cleaning company Kärcher recently surveyed British residents to see what household chores they most commonly let slide. And while the study was conducted across the pond, we have a sneaky suspicion that we have similar habits.

Here are some of the top cleaning sins the study found to be common — and how to change those messy ways:

Changing sheets once a month. We get it. Stripping the bed, stuffing the sheets in the washer and dryer, then remaking the bed is annoying. But, as Good Housekeeping Meaghan Murphy told TODAY earlier this year, it needs to be done weekly. Our tip: Set a routine so that the same time every week, those sheets come off and get in the washer. Or swing by a discount home store and pick up a spare set so you can rotate between two pairs.

Expired food in the refrigerator. Are you guilty of leaving that container of cream cheese in your fridge a tad too long? Avoid this stinky, germ trap by clearing out expired food every time you grocery shop — before adding the fresh food into the fridge. If your fridge needs a deeper clean, consider these tips that will get that fridge spick and span in 15 minutes.

Leaving stains in the microwave. While we’re in the kitchen, step over to the microwave. Is last month’s spaghetti dinner still leaving its mark on the appliance’s interior? Follow these incredibly easy instructions to clean your microwave in minutes.

Not vacuuming the stairs. Unfortunately, this task does involve picking up the vacuum with each step. But it may be worth picking up a handheld vacuum to make this task easier and quicker. And make vacuuming last with these tips.

Dust on the television. Check the frame of your TV. Is it covered with flecks? Don’t bother picking up the towel and cleaning spray. One of our favorite tricks is using a Swiffer cloth. Swipe it across areas that need dusting. Quick, easy and effective!

Find more cleaning tips and tricks on our Pinterest board!