New series 'Wild Wild Country' focuses on 1980s cult community in Oregon

In the 1980s, controversial Indian guru Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh tried to set up a utopian community in Oregon, spurring tensions with residents. Megyn Kelly TODAY welcomes filmmakers Maclain Way and Chapman Way, whose new Netflix docuseries "Wild Wild Country" tells the strange story. Jane Stork, who was a follower, joins the discussion from her home in Germany.


In the 1980s, controversial Indian guru Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh tried to set up a utopian community in Oregon, spurring tensions with residents. Megyn Kelly TODAY welcomes filmmakers Maclain Way and Chapman Way, whose new Netflix docuseries “Wild Wild Country” tells the strange story. Jane Stork, who was a follower, joins the discussion from her home in Germany.