Veteran who fulfilled dying wish to see new 'Star Wars' movie has passed away

Ron Villemaire, whose community rallied to get him to a theater to see the latest installment of the franchise he loved, died Monday at 69.


Ron Villemaire, a military veteran whose community came together to fulfill his dying wish of seeing "Star Wars: The Last Jedi," has died at 69 from colon cancer.

A hardcore "Star Wars" fan, Villemaire was able to see the latest installment of the franchise last month thanks to the help of local New Hampshire fire departments, who answered a rallying call and transported him to a movie theater.

The 24-year Air Force vet died on Monday. His daughter, Elizabeth Ngo, shared the news on Twitter, calling her dad an "amazing father and best friend."

"I’m feeling truly blessed that so many people were touched by my father’s story,'' Ngo tweeted on Wednesday. "He was an amazing man and he will always be with me. He is one with the force now."

Ngo had initially bought tickets to see "Star Wars: The Last Jedi" with her father when it came out in early December. But Villemaire had stage 4 colon cancer, and he had a hard time sitting up.

Ngo posted a tweet asking for help, using the hashtag #RonsLastJedi.

The Bedford and New Boston fire departments responded by taking Villemaire by ambulance to a local movie theater and transferring him to a hospital bed to watch the movie.

The ailing, yet cheerful superfan was joined by people dressed up as "Star Wars" characters along with his family and friends.

Villemaire is survived by his daughter, son-in-law and two sisters.

Follow writer Scott Stump on Twitter.