New film 'Blood Stripe' spotlights the sacrifice of women in the military

"Blood Stripe" is a new movie about a female combat veteran battling PTSD. On Megyn Kelly TODAY, star and co-writer Kate Nowlin says "I felt compelled to contribute a portrait of who is sacrificing for our country." She is joined by Allison Jaslow, executive director for Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, who talks about the lack of recognition and respect for female combat veterans.


“Blood Stripe” is a new movie about a female combat veteran battling PTSD. On Megyn Kelly TODAY, star and co-writer Kate Nowlin says “I felt compelled to contribute a portrait of who is sacrificing for our country.” She is joined by Allison Jaslow, executive director for Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, who talks about the lack of recognition and respect for female combat veterans.