Teen brings prom to the hospital after her date was injured in car crash

When Alyah Mitchell's date couldn't make it to prom due to serious injuries sustained in a car accident, she decided to bring prom to him.


When Alyah Mitchell's date couldn't make it to prom due to serious injuries sustained in a car accident, she decided to bring prom to him.

Mitchell said that she remembers the day of Hall's car accident, Feb. 2, "like it was yesterday." The two were supposed to go shopping for prom supplies that weekend, but Hill's focus quickly turned from prom to his recovery.

"For a while, JR had forgotten about prom because of the injuries he suffered," Mitchell told TODAY.com via email. "But as he got better, he remembered more and more things."

Mitchell said after she learned Hall needed to have surgery on his neck, "I realized he was going to be in the hospital for a while and wasn't going to be able to make it."

But rather than give up on their plans entirely, she decided to surprise Hall at the hospital in her gown. "I actually got dressed and ready around two hours earlier than I thought," she said. "So I decided, hey why don't I go surprise JR in all my prom attire."

"He was super surprised because he had no idea I was coming!" she said.

Mitchell shared a photo of her and Hall in the hospital before prom, which has since racked up more than 10,000 favorites and 6,000 retweets.

Mitchell made the most out of going to the dance stag, sharing photos of her night. But something tells us the part she and Hall will always remember came before the dance ever stared.