Hilarious video shows the differences between mom's first pregnancy and the rest

While getting real about the differences between her first pregnancy and all the others, this mom reminds us that one thing stays the same.


As a mom-of-two who is expecting her third child in January, Esther Anderson has become a seasoned pro at pregnancy.

In a funny video posted to Anderson's blog, "Story of this Life," the New York mom gives an honest look at the differences between pregnancy number one and all of the others.

Stylishly dressed and looking polished, Anderson sits in her first baby's future nursery, explaining that her unborn child is, "14.8 inches, 2 pounds 4.5 ounces, and the size of a Chinese cabbage."

Fast-forward to Anderson pregnant with her third child, and she's in sweatpants and a messy ponytail while her two daughters play loudly in the background. "Um...medium sized?" Anderson says. "Hold on, I think I have an app that tells me. Oh, I have to re-download it."

As the video continues, first-timer Anderson talks about all of the homeopathic morning sickness remedies she is trying, while third-timer Anderson uses a trash can duct-taped around her neck to manage her pregnancy nausea.

Anderson explains her first baby's lavish crib, then sets up a pack-and-play for baby number three in the middle of the living room, explaining they are now "running out of space upstairs."

The Anderson family.Esther Anderson/April Nienhuis

Anderson says she was inspired by real-life events.

"The idea came to me when someone asked how far along I was and how big the baby was and I realized I had absolutely no idea," Anderson told TODAY Parents. "I had been obsessed about that when pregnant with my first. I always looked forward to checking my pregnancy app when I changed weeks to see what the latest developments were and how the baby was growing and loved telling everyone all about it, whether they wanted to hear the stats or not."

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Anderson says she reached out to some of her mom friends for more ideas for the video, and was not disappointed.

"I shared the video idea with several of my mom friends and my mom when I was scripting it out and they all contributed with ideas that had me rolling laughing because I knew exactly what they were talking about," said Anderson. "I think a lot of moms connected with this video because it was or is their reality as well."

While the third pregnancy has the busy mom of Ellia, 3, and Tessa, 1, feeling exhausted, Anderson says she's enjoyed watching her daughters connect with their soon-to-be baby sister.

The end of Anderson's video proves that whether it's your first pregnancy or your third, one thing remains the same.

"I can't wait for her to get here," both versions of pregnant Anderson say.