Gwyneth Paltrow lets niece put makeup on her, and the results are ... colorful

The Oscar-winning actress and lifestyle guru shared a hilarious pic of the budding stylist doing Auntie Gwyneth's makeup.


Leave it to Gwyneth Paltrow to encourage young creatives!

The Oscar-winning actress and lifestyle guru took to Instagram to share a hilarious pic of her young niece playing around with some very colorful cosmetics — right on Auntie Gwyneth's face!

"My niece is the most lit makeup artist," Paltrow joked in the photo's caption.

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But the budding stylist isn't the only artsy kid in Paltrow's life. Daughter Apple, 13, is already a talented musician and a dancer.

In late February, the 44-year-old Goop founder shared a pic of the pretty tween dressed to compete in the Count Down dance competition in Los Angeles, hashtagging it #dancemom.

Paltrow is a firm believer in letting Apple and her little brother, Moses, 11 (both with ex-husband Chris Martin) seek fun and fulfillment in whatever ways they like — even if the fun happens without mom.

In June, the actress-turned-entrepreneur told TODAY that Apple — like all tweens— sometimes needs her own space.

"She's like, 'Can you close my door?' and I'm like, 'Wait. With me on the other side?!'" she joked.

Other than that, said the star, mom and daughter have a beautiful relationship.

"I have to say, so far, Apple ... she's pretty great," Paltrow assured.