Watch Charlie become best pals with puppy visitor to Studio 1A

Charlie, TODAY's Puppy with a Purpose, hung out with a special visitor in Studio 1A this morning.


Charlie, TODAY's Puppy with a Purpose, met an adorable French bulldog puppy on Thursday, and the two became fast friends.

The polka-dot-wearing pup paid a visit to Studio 1A to participate in a segment about puppy plastic surgery.

During some down time, the puppy got cozy on Charlie's pillow, and the two hung out all morning!


I mean, seriously, how cute are these puppy hugs?

Charlie made this puppy feel welcome this morning! TODAY
Charlie and his new puppy pal are the cutest. TODAY

The puppy was not only popular with Charlie — Matt and Savannah instantly fell in love with this little guy and his companion.

Check out their commercial break cuddles!


Charlie, TODAY's puppy is already adorable.

Add a precious new puppy friend, and it's cuteness overload.