At Home with TODAY: Dylan Dreyer takes you inside son Calvin's nursery

He may only be 6 months old, but Dylan Dreyer's son Calvin already has his own corner of New York City.


Dylan Dreyer’s son Calvin has his own corner of New York City — and it's perfect.

Samantha Okazaki / TODAY

As part of TODAY’s original series “At Home with TODAY,” Dylan is inviting you to her Manhattan home to show you the most adorable room in her apartment: Calvin’s nursery.

“I’m not a decorator by any means. It is the last thing I’m able to do,” Dylan told TODAY Home. “But because this was for him, I wanted to do it.”

With the room’s neutral furniture surrounded by colorful accessories, including multi-color mobiles and a polka dot rug, the TODAY meteorologist made Calvin’s room a precious space for the 6-month-old.

Samantha Okazaki / TODAY

Decorating the room all started one night when Dylan was online shopping and came across prints from photographer Leslee Mitchell of matchbox cars.

Samantha Okazaki / TODAY

“When I saw that picture, I thought, ‘I think I can make the room around this,’” Dylan said. The moment of inspiration evolved into the colorful nursery Calvin has today. "It was a labor of love."

Dylan and her husband, NBC Nightly News cameraman Brian Fichera, moved into the apartment in May 2016, just after they found out she was expecting.

“This whole neighborhood is all strollers and moms and families. Calvin came along and and I seemed to fit right in.”

Samantha Okazaki / TODAY

One of her favorite moments spent in the room all started with TODAY’s financial editor Jean Chatzky, who gave Dylan a colorful pom-pom mobile. Dylan’s mom hung the mobile from a mini Brooklyn Bridge above the changing table — and that small act turned out to be a huge help during diaper changes.

“His eyes lit up when he first saw that. It was this moment where he was just happy laying there,” Dylan said. “It was exactly what he needed.”

Samantha Okazaki / TODAY

Jean isn’t the only one who helped with Calvin’s nursery. Harry Connick Jr. gifted Calvin a stuffed animal bunny that sits in one corner, and the country group Rascal Flatts gave Calvin a tiny guitar signed by the band.

Dylan Dreyer's son Calvin has a stuffed animal from Harry Connick Jr. Samantha Okazaki / TODAY
Sitting on the windowsill of Calvin's nursery is a baby guitar from Rascal Flatts.Samantha Okazaki / TODAY

The rug and Brooklyn Bridge came from Dylan’s mom, and the changing table and crib were gifted by her mother-in-law. And sitting on one shelf is a box Dylan’s best friend made that holds various keepsakes from Calvin’s life so far, including his hospital tags, the sign from his hospital bassinet and a candle from his baptism.

Calvin has various pieces sitting on shelves in his room, including a box with the letter 'C' on it that holds special mementos. Samantha Okazaki / TODAY

“I know where everything came from,” Dylan said. “I look in this room and everything was from someone that has a place in my life.”

Samantha Okazaki / TODAY