Barbed wire brows?! The latest beauty trend is ... interesting

In the wacky world of beauty trends, we officially bring you barbed wire eyebrows. Don't shoot the messenger.


When it comes to beauty trends nowadays, just about anything goes.

Once we told you about feather eyebrows, we started wondering what would be next. And we didn't have to wait long. The beauty world recently introduced eyebrows inspired by barbed wire and social media can't get enough.

Unlike feather brows, which split your eyebrow hairs in half to create the illusion of a feather, this look has hairs going in all different directions to make eyebrows seem like a prickly barbed wire fence. Hence, the name.

There's no word on how the trend started, exactly, but Instagram seems to point to makeup artist Athena Pantington who first posted a photo six weeks ago.

The post has more than 7,900 likes and 244 comments as of publish time.

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While the look is certainly extreme, there were plenty of positive comments on the post. People wrote "I love thisss," "So obsessed omg" and, succinctly, "I dig it."

But it should come as no surprise that plenty of other comments were less enthusiastic. "Seriously?!?!?" "Say what?" and "This can't be real" all made appearances in the comments section.

Others on Instagram have even been brave enough to try the trend themselves, posting their creations using #barbedwirebrows. Some are even changing the name, calling the look "just out of bed brows" since they say this is how their eyebrows look when they just wake up. Same here!

So what's the secret to getting your brows to stick up just right? Instagram user @AmenFashion suggests using a glue stick. We'll take her word for it.