12 things we learned about Dean Cain — while he took puppy Charlie for a walk

TODAY's puppy with a purpose, Charlie, got to know Dean Cain Tuesday morning, as the pair took a stroll around the plaza.


Before co-hosting the show's 9 a.m. hour with Tamron and Al Wednesday, Dean Cain got acquainted with another member of the TODAY family: Charlie!

The actor braved the cold to take TODAY's puppy with a purpose for a stroll, as Alex Ficquette (better known as Alex on the Plaza) helped Charlie break the ice with a series of playful questions.

Here are 12 tidbits we learned about Cain.

What's one thing you need to start your day off right?

I need a cup of coffee, that's for sure.

What's the last thing you Googled?

The last thing I Googled was Charlie, the service dog! I actually did. I wanted to see what Charlie looked like, but he was a little puppy then and now he's about 6 months old, so he's growing up — and I'm just trying to see if I can take him, but apparently I can't.

RELATED: Charlie's puppy raiser highlights 5 lessons she's learned while on the job

As Superman, what's your hidden real-life superpower?

I would have to say, my extreme sense of optimism. Honest to goodness, that in its own right is a superpower because it's so easy to get down on everything.

What's the worst job you've ever had?

Worst job I ever had was an ice-cream scooper. It was not my favorite job ever.

Charlie got to know Dean Cain while taking a quick stroll around the plaza!TODAY

Who would play you in a movie about your life?

Maybe my son, because he's only 16 and he and I look exactly the same.

If you could spend the day with one TODAY anchor, who would it be and what would you do?

Maybe it would be Hoda Kotb, and we'd do whatever Hoda wanted to do, I suppose. ("Probably involving some wine," Ficquette suggested.)

What's the last lie you told?

That I don't know what I'd do with Hoda Kotb.

If you could give your 13-year-old self advice, what would it be?

I would say to my 13-year-old self, "Just relax. Everything's going to be OK. Be patient and relax."

When's the last time you were nervous?

On the flight over here. I don't like to fly, and I had to fly over here yesterday from California. Something about being 37,000 feet in the air doesn't feel right to me, so I was a little nervous in the flight. I'm always that way.

Big spoon or little spoon?

Big spoon.

What would you title your autobiography?

I'd have to put the word "super" in there somewhere, huh? "Super." "Life is Super."

Superhero to superhero, what advice do you have for Charlie?

Charlie's going to be a service dog for a vet, so he's going to be a superhero no matter what happens. He's going to be a life saver and a life changer so I don't know that I would actually give Charlie advice. He'd probably give me advice.