This baby's impressive hair looks like Derek Zoolander's!

Baby Alexandra's crazy head of hair is so thick and fluffy, even we're jealous of her long locks!


When Brian Gorham, 32, welcomed his daughter Alexandra into the world, he was surprised to find that she came complete with a full head of hair.

For someone who started losing his own hair at age 21, it was especially ironic.

Even more shocking is that even now that Alexandra is 2 months old, none of her locks have fallen out. "I give her baths all the time, and it just continues to grow," Brian's wife, Diana, told TODAY.

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On Thursday, Brian posted a photo of Alexandra's thick mane to Reddit. It's since been viewed more than 600,000 times. "I'm kind of surprised," Brian told TODAY. "I didn't think she would get that much attention."

Alexandra and her dad, Brian GorhamBrian Gorhum

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What's made Alexandra's hair so impressive is not only its thickness, but its ability to stand on end completely by itself. "My wife kept trying to slick it down with oil and make it ladylike," Brian said.

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Now they just let Alexandra's hair dry on its own, and it's become a phenomenon. "She looks like the Ben Stiller character Derek Zoolander," Brian told TODAY.

After seeing a side-by-side comparison, we can't disagree!

Whose "Blue Steel" is better — Derek or Alexandra?Alamy/Brian Gorham

According to her parents, Alexandra's hair continues to get thicker and stronger every day. Brian optimistically said,"I'm hoping it stays that way and maybe she'll have a full-blown baby Afro within a month or two."