Student gets sweet justice after hungry Kit Kat thief strikes

When Hunter Jobbins revealed that a Kit Kat bar had been stolen from his car, the candy company quickly intervened — in a big way.


"Gimme a break .... Gimme a break ...."

We all know how the classic 1988 Kit Kat jingle goes, and now one student has approximately 6,500 of those breaks.

Hunter Jobbins, a freshman at Kansas State University, left his car for only a few minutes on Oct. 30 when he became the victim of a vicious and unthinkable theft.

His grave mistake? Leaving his doors unlocked while a perfectly good Kit Kat bar was sitting in the car cup holder, sans protection.

When he returned to his parked vehicle, he saw that the chocolate-covered wafer treat was missing — all Jobbins was left with was an eerily anonymous note from the candy culprit.

Naturally, Jobbins took to Twitter to express his grievance over the theft.

"Left my car for maybe 15 minutes in front of the dorms and I come back to this. College, man," he tweeted.

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The note, which was written on a napkin, reads: "Saw Kit Kat in your cup holder. I love Kit Kats so I checked your door and it was unlocked. Did not take anything other than the Kit Kat. I am sorry and hungry."

Hey, when you have to subsist on ramen noodles and microwavable mac and cheese, survival of the fittest can take on its most unforgivably desperate form.

Quickly, the Hershey Co. swooped in to the save the day after seeing Jobbins' viral tweet (or plea for help, if you will).

"Who steals someones (sic) Kit Kat?! WHO DOES THAT?! Shoot us a DM and we'll replace it for you," the brand wrote in a tweet, promising to satisfy his sweet tooth (and boy, did they deliver).

On Thursday afternoon, just four days after the incident, justice was finally served.

Sweet, sweet justice.

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"Keep your Kit Kat, thief. @jabbins now has ALL the candy #KitKatThief," the rather sassy candy company tweeted, reveling in the success of their superhero powers.

Indeed, not only did Kit Kat replace Jobbins' stolen candy bar, they issued him a whopping 6,500 bars of the classic crispy wafer, surely making for the sweetest and most caloric surprise of his life.

"I was amazed that they were able to fit that many in my car!" Jobbins told TODAY via Facebook. "I even helped stack boxes in the backseat when they got there. It was a crazy and fun experience!"

In an effort to spread the joy — and save himself from going into diabetic shock, probably — Jobbins took the philanthropic route and handed out free Kit Kat bars to his peers at Kansas State. It's like Halloween stayed late and Christmas came early all at the same time.

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A beaming Jobbins then took to Twitter again to thank the powers that be at Kit Kat for serving up what has got to be the most delicious incarnation of revenge this planet has ever seen, including the hashtag #KitKatsForEveryone.

Seriously, don't you love a happy ending?

At this time, the crime remains unsolved, and the thief is still at large. Jobbins' sugar high, however, appears to be doing just fine.