Did the Loch Ness monster move to Alaska? People can't tell what's in this video

Does this video of something swimming in a river in Alaska show a Loch Ness-style creature?


Does the Loch Ness Monster have an American cousin?

Video released by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management showing a strange figure swirling and floating in the Chena River in Fairbanks, Alaska, has many wondering if Nessie has an American relative — or maybe made the trip overseas herself.

Craig McCaa of the Bureau of Land Management was shooting video from a bridge on Oct. 18 when he witnessed an unidentified object about 15 feet long in the water.

Is it a giant prehistoric snake? Some sort of mutated sea monster? A random piece of ice moving around? A mundane piece of rope that looks really cool in the right light?

"I initially thought, and several people thought, it could be some rope that snagged on the bottom of the river with chunks of ice," McCaa told the Alaska Dispatch News. "Other people have mentioned everything from sea monster to giant sturgeon."

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