The new 'Gilmore Girls' trailer is exactly what you've been waiting for

The highly anticipated "Gilmore Girls" return is still a month away, but you don't have to wait any longer to get your first look.


To say that the "Gilmore Girls" revival is a big deal to fans would be like Lorelai declaring that coffee is "good." In other words, it's true, but it seriously understates the situation.

But take heart, "Gilmore" faithful! Netflix knows that on-set pics, Luke's Dinner pop-ups and one brief featurette aren't enough to tide you over until next month's debut.

Behold the first trailer!

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This sneak peek is brief, but it has everything — glimpses of Stars Hollow, fast-paced dialogue, the old gang and, of course, pop tarts and coffee (and then more coffee).

Everyone makes an appearance in the clip, including Lorelai, Rory, Luke, Jess, Lane, Sookie, Emily and even the dearly departed Richard. Sort of.

Richard Gilmore is gone, but thanks to a larger-than-life (and then some) portrait, he'll never miss a Friday night dinner with the family.Netflix

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As for our leading ladies, Rory is "feeling very lost these days," and Lorelai? Well, she says that "Luke and I are happy" ... in the least happy voice ever.

Rory's feeling lost, but it looks like she's found some junk food. So it's business as usual in the Gilmore kitchen.Netflix

But are they happy-but-not-happy together or apart? Fans will have to wait for the answer.

"Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life" comes to Netflix on Nov. 25.

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