Dad's 'Jedi Elsa' costume for daughter brilliantly blends 'Star Wars,' 'Frozen'

'Star Wars' and 'Frozen'? Yes, you can have it all. This dad wins at parenting for his Elsa/Rey mash-up costume creation.


When Steven Lamb decided to make his daughter Stormie, 5, a unique costume for the Wizard World Comic Con in Des Moines, Iowa, last spring, he had to enlist a little help. "I can do braids, but not like this," he wrote on the social media site Imgur.

But with a little help from his cousin, who provided an assist on Stormie's hair, Lamb created the ultimate little girl cosplay mash-up for Stormie. The result was Jedi Elsa Rey: a blend of Disney Princess and Star Wars Jedi.

The costume included a robe, shirt, and pants in Elsa's trademark shades of blue and turquoise made at a local dress shop, a $30 replica staff that Lamb reinforced and repainted with the help of a friend, leather pieces by Lamb's own father, and a canvas bag Lamb bought on Amazon and resized for Stormie.

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Little Jedi Elsa Rey was a hit of the comic-con, dueling with an Anna and posing with Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Lamb is a hit on Imgur and Reddit. "May all fathers take notes," commented Imgur user Sinblade 7, "!"

"You are the dad I aspire to be," said another.

Lamb posted a final picture from the end of the day, when his Jedi Elsa Rey was slumped over asleep in her car seat. "Even scavenging Snow Queens have to sleep!" he wrote.

Perhaps Stormie will use the Force if she wears the costume again for Halloween, and convince her dad to "let it go" and give her all the candy. Our bet is on the scavenging Snow Queen.