5 strange paint color names that actually look attractive

These 5 paint shades may have odd names, but are surprisingly stylish. Take a look!


Have you ever found yourself standing in the paint section of a home improvement store perplexed by the array of options and especially the names? Each one was thoughtfully created by an expert to spark an emotion or idea that would be associated with that specific hue. Most names depict a gorgeous scene or object that remind you of a certain color, like Behr’s “Crashing Waves” or Benjamin Moore’s “Fondant.” But others are just plain weird.

TODAY took a stroll through the paint aisle and found some of the oddest-named — but surprisingly attractive — paint colors on the market right now.

1. “Shadow” by Benjamin Moore

Benjamin Moore

Just announced as Benjamin Moore’s color of the year for 2017, this rich, deep amethyst color is named for that dark — albeit, sometimes eerie — projection of an object between rays of light and a surface. Even though our heart races when we spot a gloomy shadow approaching us in real life, this hue could bring a warm, cozy layer to your interiors.

2. “Dead Salmon” by Farrow & Ball

Farrow & Ball

Not the most appealing name for a paint color, this deep peach-pink hue got the unfortunate moniker thanks to the combination of the paint finish “Dead Flat” and the salmon color, according to a report on Slate. While we wouldn’t want to see this name on, say, a menu, some may be able to look past the unappetizing title and live with the neutral color on their walls.

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3. “Tornado Season” by Behr


If you live in Tornado Alley, you might not be so keen on this color’s name, but this stormy blue is actually a gorgeous color for the home. Perhaps the rich, calming hue may even help keep you relaxed when the weather does get out of control.

4. “Mown Grass” by Behr


Maybe it’s just us, but we’re already sneezing as we read this paint color’s name. On the other hand, we can smell the fresh cut grass and feel like spring is already around the corner (wishful thinking, maybe?) The best part is that this pretty dark green color shouldn’t trigger any seasonal allergies.

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5. “Newborn Baby” by Benjamin Moore

Benjamin Moore

This dainty shade of pink and its name is said to be evocative of plush, ultra-soft baby blankets, but it’s hard not to imagine excessive crying, lack of sleep and diaper changes when we read it. Of course despite all of that, babies are the sweetest, and so is this color.