The Swipe & Feed lets you feed your baby and use your phone at the same time

The Swipe & Feed fits most popular phones and wide-mouth baby bottles.


If you're someone who uses a smartphone to stay amused (or awake!) while trying to feed your baby in the middle of the night, an inventive dad has just the contraption for you.

Essentially a cell phone holder that clips on to a baby bottle, the invention is known as the Swipe & Feed.

The product aims to help you satisfy your hungry child while simultaneously being the person who likes your friends' Facebook posts at 3 a.m. When your child looks lovingly in your eyes, you'll be able to give him or her a quick smile and get right back to that game of Candy Crush.

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The Swipe & Feed, which is not yet for sale in stores but is now on Kickstarter, fits most popular phones and wide-mouth baby bottles.

The product was developed by Tim Causa, a recruiter for Fortune 500 companies who wanted to find a way to use his phone during midnight feedings.

Tim should be friends with the father who sings adorable song remixes and the dad who puts a bottle through a hole in his shirt.

Follow writer Scott Stump on Twitter.