'Thank you so much!' Woman's friends burst into tears after seeing her makeover

Two ladies celebrating milestone events wow their family and friends with stunning makeovers.


Two women who have milestone events coming up were surprised with stunning makeovers just in time for the big occasions.

Lolita Compitello from Brooklyn, New York is getting ready to celebrate her 40th high school reunion. She keeps in contact with many of her former classmates through an alumni group on Facebook but hasn’t seen them in person for many years.

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She was joined in Studio 1A by her two classmates, Alice and Mary, and her daughter, Candace.

They have witnessed her many ups and downs throughout life, and she wants to look good for the big reunion.

Nathan Congleton / TODAY

“Oh my god, Thank you so much!" a tearful Lolita said. "I am so privileged to be here!"

Ambush Makeover, September 29, 2016.TODAY

Celebrity hairstylist Louis Licari gave her hair a fresh color and added layers and bangs. TODAY contributor Jill Martin dressed her in a black blouse and dress pants and paired it with bold red blazer.

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Cynthia Hanson came to TODAY with her only daughter Sara who is getting married next week! She'll be meeting a new family and visiting old faces from the past, including her ex-husband who she hasn’t seen in 20 years!


Cynthia says she can’t remember the last time she wore a dress. Because of all the prep for the wedding, she hasn't spent much time on her appearance.


“I can’t believe that’s me,” Cynthia said when she saw her beautiful makeover. “I look like her!” she said pointing to her daughter.

Louis lightened her hair with a brunette color and hairstylist Arsen Gurgov gave her a shoulder-length cut. Her makeup, done by the fabulous Enid O, made her look elegant and refreshed!

Jill dressed her in a knee-length cocktail dress with blue toned flowers.

Both ladies will wow their family and friends!