Need help transitioning a room for a new purpose? TODAY is here to help

TODAY is giving away a design makeover to one lucky family that needs help transforming a room in their house.


Ever feel like your home isn't keeping up with your life?

We know the feeling. In fact, we're quite aware how life's transitions impact the way you live. That's why we want to offer our help to one family needing assistance with a room transition. Maybe you need to update a guest bedroom into a nursery for a baby that's on the way, or maybe you're an empty nester looking to transform a home office into a meditation room. Or perhaps it's time for your growing kid to get a bedroom that reflects their age and interests. Whatever it is, tell us all about it!

To enter is simple: Just fill out the below information, and upload a picture of the space you want to make over. Don't forget to tell us why — in 500 words or less — this room makeover would be a dream come true.

Good luck!