Michael Phelps says he'd 'love, love, love' a little sister for Boomer

Everybody into the (gene) pool! The Olympic swimmer says he'd like to add to his growing family.


Michael Phelps may be the most decorated Olympian of all time, but these days he's thinking about putting his energies into a different kind of deep end — by expanding his family!

We've all been charmed by Phelps snuggling up to his 3-month-old son Boomer Robert. But now, says Phelps, he would like a little girl to add to the clan (Boomer's mom is Phelps' fiancée Nicole Johnson).

MORE: Michael Phelps on Boomer and his Olympic 'dream come true'

"We've talked about more [children]. We don’t really know how many more we want," the 31-year-old told People. "I think we’re gonna have some fun with Boomer before we make that next choice of trying for another one."

"We would love a girl. Love, love, love a girl. We wanted a boy first, just in case we did have other children, [so] he could be the protector of his younger sibling or siblings. So we started off on a perfect note: We got a boy. We got a beautiful, healthy baby boy, and we’re looking to continue to grow our family."

Michael Phelps gives baby Boomer a smooch after winning his gold medal in the men's 200-meter butterfly in Rio as mom Debbie and fiancee Nicole Johnson look on.Matt Slocum / AP

We know they're all going to have a splash!

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