Bride takes hilarious honeymoon photos after husband's visa mix-up

Huma Mobin, who went on her honeymoon alone after a mix-up with her husband's visa, shared hilarious photos showing how he was missed.


Going on a honeymoon without a honey can be a real bummer.

It doesn't have to be all bad, though. Just take a look at Huma Mobin, a bride from Lahore, Pakistan, who found a way to comically make the best of it when a visa snafu prevented her husband from being able to go on their honeymoon last week.

Mobin posed for a series of photos with a despairing look and her arm around her invisible husband as she toured Greece during a 10-day trip with the family of husband Arsalaan Sever Bhatt. Luckily she is close with her in-laws.

"I'm a very good example of a husband-ditcher,'' Mobin joked in a Facebook Live video with Bhatt, although she admitted that she "cried her eyes out" the first night.

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She got the idea for the photos from a man named Kevin Blandford, who took a series of glum photos in 2015 while on vacation in Puerto Rico without his wife.

Bhatt had to stay behind in Pakistan because his visa didn't arrive in time for the trip. Mobin initially wasn't going to go, but her husband convinced her by noting that the trip was already paid for.

"I would've loved to have seen Greece, but I can survive (without her) for 10 days,'' Bhatt joked in the Facebook Live video.

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To add to the Greek tragedy, she also accidentally dropped her cellphone in the Aegean Sea during the trip, leaving her posing with two empty hands by the end of the trip.

The silver lining for the couple, who were married in December, is that they had already taken a first honeymoon trip to the Maldives. Presumably there is photographic evidence of them there together.

Follow writer Scott Stump on Twitter.