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a veiled chameleon extends its high-speed tongue to catch a cricket

Science News

Critters caught on a high-speed camera

Wildlife photographer Scott Linstead turns his eye to the speed at which creatures move.

a veiled chameleon extends its high-speed tongue to catch a cricket

Veiled chameleon

a veiled chameleon extends its high-speed tongue to catch a cricket
— Scott Linstead
Regal jumping spiderling peeking over US penny

Regal jumping spiderling

Regal jumping spiderling peeking over US penny
— Scott Linstead
A predatory archer fish displaces a cricket from its perch over the waterline by squirting a jet of water.

Archer fish

A predatory archer fish displaces a cricket from its perch over the waterline by squirting a jet of water.
— Scott Linstead
Ladybug take-off


Ladybug take-off
— Scott Linstead

Big brown bat

Female regal \"orange morph\" jumping spider jumping directly onto camera lens

Regal 'orange morph' jumping spider

Female regal \"orange morph\" jumping spider jumping directly onto camera lens
— Scott Linstead

Blue Jay

— Scott Linstead

Green frog

a great gray owl flying in a snow storm

Great gray owl

a great gray owl flying in a snow storm

Brown Basilisk



Female regal jumping spider jumping

Female regal jumping spider

Female regal jumping spider jumping
— Scott Linstead



Sugar Glider
