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Crib notes: My kid is a perfectly average student at Maplewood Elementary

Hey you! Your kid's not special! After years of everyone getting a trophy just for participating and hyper-attention focused on making every kid feel "special," a backlash has begun. Call it a glorification of "ordinary," or call it taking kids down a notch so they can better handle the real world later on -- there are now many who think words like "special" and "winner" have started to lose their

Hey you! Your kid's not special! After years of everyone getting a trophy just for participating and hyper-attention focused on making every kid feel "special," a backlash has begun. Call it a glorification of "ordinary," or call it taking kids down a notch so they can better handle the real world later on -- there are now many who think words like "special" and "winner" have started to lose their meaning and that it's time to rectify that.

Whoever thought this ice cream would claim more than its designated 15 minutes of fame? Oh yes, breast milk ice cream is back. First the launch, then health authorities shut it down, then Lady Gaga sued the ice cream shop for "riding her coattails," and now it's back on the market again.

Talk about doubling your pleasure! We don't know if the twin sisters who gave birth within two hours of each other chew Doublemint gum, but they sure seem to do everything else together. The twins gave birth at the same hospital to baby girls, both born sunny side up, and each measuring 21 inches long. The twins, who are both engaged, are also talking about doubling their fun by getting married on the same day. This scenario has RomCom written all over it.

In what might be the ultimate "Revenge of the Nerds" scenario, President Obama talked about his own experience being bullied as a child at a conference on bullying prevention. “We all remember what it was like to see kids picked on inthe hallways or the school yards. And with big ears and the name that I have, I wasn’t immune. I did not emerge unscathed," he said. It makes one want to believe there was an earlier draft of his speech that ended with the line: "And look where I am today, I don't see any of the kids who bullied me sitting in the Oval Office. Take that, suckas!"