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Confession: I don't love being pregnant

From Jayme Baron, TODAY producer Before I became pregnant I remember everyone always saying, "Being pregnant is the best!" So I was looking forward to it for a variety of reasons. People say, "Enjoy this time because once the baby comes it will be all about her and not you." I am trying really hard to take everyone's advice and "enjoy this time," but it's a bit difficult. I do not want to be a

From Jayme Baron, TODAY producer Before I became pregnant I remember everyone always saying, "Being pregnant is the best!" So I was looking forward to it for a variety of reasons. People say, "Enjoy this time because once the baby comes it will be all about her and not you." I am trying really hard to take everyone's advice and "enjoy this time," but it's a bit difficult. I do not want to be a complainer -- especially since I want my baby to have positive energy -- but sometimes it gets the best of me. I'm just being honest. (That's what you're supposed to do on a blog, right?) The numbers on the scale keep climbing, I am tired and cannot find a comfortable position to sleep in, the hour and a half commute to and from work is getting harder, and I am either really hot or freezing all the time. Being pregnant is a 40-week condition that has a lot of side effects, yet at the same time you are a part of this wonderful miracle. When I am feeling down or I am staring at the clock at 2:23 a.m., that's what I try to think about. In less than 20 weeks Samantha Blake will be a part of the world. She will be here for everyone to see and it will make this whole process worth it. The ride isn't as great as I thought it would be, but the end result will be the most rewarding and I cannot wait for that! RelatedDiary of a first-time mom: Boy or girl?