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Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Reanya Velaithan, 5 anni.
Reanya è nata a Kuala Lumpur ma adesso vive con tutta la famiglia (nonni e zii compresi) in una delle tante piccole città satellite che circondano la capitale. Il loro quartiere assomiglia a quelli delle periferie americane dove ogni casa è uguale all'altre. I suoi genitori le regalano molti giochi diversi, ma lei ama gli orsi più di ogni altra cosa e con loro gioca la maggior parte del tempo.


Gabriele Galimberti

Italian photographer Gabriele Galimberti traveled the world to capture these striking images of children surrounded by their toys. "At their age, they are pretty much all the same," he said. "They just want to play."

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Reanya Velaithan, 5 anni.
Reanya è nata a Kuala Lumpur ma adesso vive con tutta la famiglia (nonni e zii compresi) in una delle tante piccole città satellite che circondano la capitale. Il loro quartiere assomiglia a quelli delle periferie americane dove ogni casa è uguale all'altre. I suoi genitori le regalano molti giochi diversi, ma lei ama gli orsi più di ogni altra cosa e con loro gioca la maggior parte del tempo.

Toy Stories

Italian photographer Gabriele Galimberti spent two years traveling to 58 countries around the world to capture these images of children surrounded by their toys. Despite the striking differences in their locations and cultures, Galimberti says there was a universal quality to the children. "At their age, they are pretty much all the same," he said. "They just want to play."

Reanya Velaithan, 5, Malaysia
Reanya was born in Kuala Lumpur, but now lives in a big, new house built in one of the many satellite cities around the capital. Her family shares the house with her uncle's family, in a neighborhood that looks like an American suburb, where all the houses are very similar. Her parents give Reanya a lot of different toys, but she love bears the best.

Gabriele Galimberti
Alessia Pellegrini, 5 - Castiglion Fiorentino, Italy

Alessia was born and raised in the country, his family owns one of the largest farms in the city. She loves to play with animals and helping hes grandfather with the work of the farm. With her small tools she brings food to the many Chianina cows.

Alessia Pellegrini, 5 - Castiglion Fiorentino, Italy

Alessia was born and raised in the country; her family owns one of the largest farms in the city. She loves to play with animals and helps her grandfather with the work of the farm.

This was the photo that started it all, Galimberti told TODAY. "She's the child of one of my best friends," he said. "My friend asked me to photograph her child, so I went to their house and she was playing with the cows. I thought that situation was really nice...and some months later, when I had the possibility to start my trip around the world, I decided to take the same kind of photo in every country that I was going to visit."

Gabriele Galimberti
Arafa  e Aisha Saleh Aman, 4 anni - Bububu, Zanzibar
Arafa e Aisha sono gemelle. Dormono nello stesso letto, hanno gli stessi vestiti, vanno a scuola insieme e dividono gli stessi pochi giochi. Vivono in una casa di due stanze, entrambe camere, mentre la cucina e il bagno sono all'aperto, nel cortile.
Il ritratto sopra il loro armadio raffigura il presidente di Zanzibar.

Arafa and Aisha Saleh Aman, 4 - Bububu, Zanzibar

Arafa and Aisha are twins. They sleep in the same bed, have the same clothes, go to school together and share the same toys. They live in a two-room house in which both of the rooms are bedrooms, and the kitchen and restroom are outside. The big photo above the closet is a portrait of the formal president of Zanzibar.

As Galimberti traveled the world, he couchsurfed from country to country, and asked his hosts to help him connect with children to photograph.

Gabriele Galimberti
Pavel Denisov, 5 anni. Kiev, Ucraina
Pavel non ha dubbi, vuole fare il polizziotto. Ama le sue pistole e ci gioca tutto il tempo. Suo fratello più piccolo subisce costantemente i suoi arresti. Pavel lo ammanetta, lo interroga e lo accusa di rubare le macchinine. Solo poche volte lascia fare al fratellino il ruolo del polizziotto suo aiutante. Questo accade quando ci sono altri amici a casa con loro che automativamente diventano loro i \"cattivi\" da arrestare.
Il casco da polizziotto inglese è un regalo che gli ha riportato da londra la migliore amica di sua mamma. \"è il regalo più bello che mi sia stato mai fatto\" mi dice Pavel indossandolo orgogliosamente.

Pavel Denisov, 5 - Kiev, Ukraine

Pavel doesn’t have any doubts: he wants to be a police man. He loves guns and plays with them all the time. His younger brother is always under "Pavel’s arrest." Pavel handcuffs him, questions him and accuses him of stealing cars. Sometimes he lets his brother be the police man, but only when other friends come over and become the "bad people" Pavel wants to arrest!

Gabriele Galimberti
El Nido - Palawan Island, Philippines
Allenah Lajallab, 4 anni. E' nata e cersciuta a El NIdo, un piccolo paese a nord dell'isola Palawan nelle Filippine. A El Nido non ci sono ospedali e lei è nata a casa.
I suoi giochi sono solo pupazzi, il suo preferito è il coniglio arancione, ma slo perchè ama il colore, mentre quello che non lepiace è l'orso bianco perchè si sporca troppo facilmente.

Allenah Lajallab, 4 - El Nido, Philippines

Allenah Lajallab was born and raised in El Nido, a small town north of Palawan in the Philippines. In El Nido there weren't hospitals and she was born at home. She has a lot of stuffed animals, and her favorite is the orange one because she loves the color. She doesn't like the white stuffed animal as much, because it gets dirty too easily.

Gabriele Galimberti
Abel Sientes Armas, 4 - Nopaltepec, Mexico

Abel is the 3rd of 5 children, born and raised in a small town, Nopaltepec about 2000 people and 500km southeast of Mexico City.
In this photo he's posing with all his games.
He plays all the time outside of the house. He love to race with his small cars and sometimes he plays together with his younger sister.

Abel Sientes Armas, 4 - Nopaltepec, Mexico

Abel, the third of five children, was born and raised in the small town of Nopaltepec, about an hour southeast of Mexico City. In this photo he's posing with all of his games. He loves to race with his toy cars, and sometimes plays with them with his younger sister.

Galimberti said the biggest surprise of the project was finding that children in the poorest countries were the most generous with their toys. "In the richest countries, the children are a lot more possessive," he said.

Gabriele Galimberti
Samantha, 3 years old -  Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Samatha used to live in a house in the center of the city, then after the earthquake she moved in a tent together with the whole family because they lost the house.
She doesn't have many toys, actually she has just two little dolls.

Samantha, 3 - Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Samantha used to live in a house in the center of the city, but after the 2010 earthquake she and her family moved into a tent because they lost the house. She doesn't have many toys, just two little dolls.

Gabriele Galimberti
Stella Pantini, 4 anni - Italia/Australia
Montecchio, Toscana -Italia
Stella è nata in Italia da padre toscano e madre australiana.
Ama giocare con le sue bambole e vestirsi da principessa, ma il suo gioco preferito e il piccolo maiale alle sue spalle

Stella Pantini, 4 - Italy

Stella was born in Italy to an Italian father and Australian mother. They live in the countryside of a small city in Tuscany. She loves to play with dolls and dress them up like princesses, and she also loves to dress up like a princess. Her favorite toy is the small pink pig behind her.

Gabriele Galimberti
Niko Sulczynski, 5 anni - Homer, Alaska

Niko è nato e cresciuto nelle fredde montagne dell'Alaska, nella penisola di Kenai. Suo padre lavora come pescatore di salmoni e sua madre è insegnante nella piccolissima scuola del paese.
Ama giocare con le costruzioni di ogni genere. Costruisce astronavi ed immagina di portare i piccoli uomini lego nello spazio.

Niko Sulczynski, 5 - Homer, Alaska

Niko was born in a small town in the mountains of Alaska in the Kenai peninsula. His father is a fisherman and his mother is a teacher. Niko loves to play with Legos and similar games. He built a small Lego spaceship and likes to imagine he's bringing little men up to space.

Gabriele Galimberti
Puput Aprimiputri, 4  - Ubud, Bali - Indonesia

Puput was born at home, in Bali, 4 years ago. She has never met her father because he died when her mother was 5 months pregnant. Her mother works like cook in a little street restaurant just 200 meters from the her house. Puput doesn't have many toys. She loves balls and she only ever played with them. She uses the plastic ones like bowling pins, place them on the ground in a triangle and then with the rubber ball hits them.

Puput Aprimiputri, 4 - Bali, Indonesia

Puput was born at home in Ubud, Bali. She never met her father, who died when her mother was five months pregnant. Her mother works as a cook in a little restaurant just 200 yards from their house. Puput doesn't have many toys, but plays with these plastic balls like bowling pins, placing them on the ground in a triangle and rolling the rubber ball at them.

Gabriele Galimberti
Noel Hawthorne, 5 anni - South Dallas, Texas

Noel è 100% Texano! Ha le idee già molto chiare, vuole fare il pilota!
Gioca solo con aereoplani, di tutte le misure e qualche volta con la playstation ma solo con un simulatore di volo.
Il suo giocho preferito e quello di mettere i piccoli uomini lego le grande boing che gli ha regalato suo padre e poi farli folare fino in fondo al giardino dove c'è un piccolo laghetto. Si immagina di portare i lego in vacanza al lago, poi dopo avrgli fatto fare il bagno li rimette nell'aereo e li riporta a casa.

Noel Hawthorne, 5 - South Dallas, Texas

"Noel is 100% Texan!" Galimberti writes. "He has very clear ideas already, he wants to be a pilot!" Noel plays primarily with airplanes and a flight simulator, and he also loves to play with Legos.

Gabriele Galimberti
Maudy Sibanda, 3 -  Kalulushi, Zambia

Maudy was born in a hut in a small village close to Kalulushi, in Zambia. She grew up playing on the street together with all the other children of the village. There is just a simple school there, children are together in the same class from 3 to 10 years old. In the village there are not shops, restaurants, hotels and just few children are lucky to have some toys. Moudy and her friends have found a box full of sunglasses on the street some weeks ago and from that moment those sun glasses are their favourite toys.

Maudy Sibanda, 3 - Kalulushi, Zambia

Maudy was born in a hut in a small village close to Kalulushi, in Zambia. She grew up playing in the street with the other children in the village, who all attend the same school, where students ages 3 to 10 years old are in the same class. The village has no shops, restaurants or hotels, and just a few children are lucky enough to have toys. Maudy and her friends found a box full of sunglasses on the street, which quickly became their favorite toys.

Gabriele Galimberti
Enea Schicchi, 4 anni. Boulder, Colorado, USA
Enea è nato in toscana da padre italiano e madre americana, di Denver in Colorado.
Suo zio è musicista e lui ama imitarlo.
Gioca moltissimo con i suoi piccoli stumenti provando a suonare le musiche di batman e spiderman.
Ha una sorella più grande, Anita, e qualche volta suonano insieme facendo finta di essere una band.

Enea Schicchi, 4 - Colorado, USA

Enea was born in Tuscany to an Italian father and an American mother, but now lives in Colorado. His uncle is a musician and Enea loves to imitate him. He often plays with his small musical instruments, trying to play the theme songs from “Batman” and “SpiderMan.” Sometimes he plays with his older sister Anita, and they pretend to have a band.

Gabriele Galimberti
Cun Zi Yi, 3 anni - Chongquing, China
Cun Zi Yi ha compiuto 3 anni da un mese e per il compleanno ha ricevuto molti regali. Goica con tutto, non ha un giocattolo preferito. I suoi genitori dicono che è molto brava a disegnare e che da grande sarà un'artista.

Cun Zi Yi, 3 - Chongquing, China

Cun Zi Yi just turned 3, and received a lot of gifts for her birthday. She plays with everything and can’t choose her favorite toy. Her parents say that she’s really good at painting, and will be an artist when she grows up.

Gabriele Galimberti
Botlhe Mohutsiwa, 4 - Maun, Botswana
Botlhe ha tanti amici e tutti vivono a pochi assi da casa sua. Botleh vive con la famiglia in una piccola casa all'interno di un complesso abitativo che accoglie almeno 50 famiglie. Nessuna di queste famigiie ha il bagno in casa, ogni 5 o 6 appartamenti c'è un bagno in comune. Botlhe ha un solo gioco, la sua scimmia, con il quale però non gioca quasi masi perchè preferisce stare fuori con gli amici.

Botlhe Mohutsiwa, 4 - Maun, Botswana

Botlhe has a lot of friends, and all of them live really close by to the small house where she lives with her family in a residential complex. In the complex, there is one toilet for every four families. Botlhe has only one toy, the monkey, but she almost never plays with it because she prefers to go out with friends and play with them.

After completing the project, Galimberti said he learned more about the parents than the kids he photographed. "Now I'm ready to have a child, maybe!"

Gabriele Galimberti

Julius, 3 - Lausanne, Switzerland

Julius lives in a small house with his parents in the center of Lausanne. From his window he can see the whole lake Léman. He loves to play with costumes, including that of Superman, which he got as gift from his parents. He likes to dress like the superhero and run and jump all around the house.

Gabriele Galimberti

Henry, 5 - Berkeley, California

Henry loves to play with cars. He usually plays with them together with his older brothers and they like to race them all around the big house where they live with their parents in the high part of Berkeley.

Gabriele Galimberti
Watcharapon Chookaew, 3 anni e mezzo - Bangkok
Watcharapon was born almost 4 years ago in Bangkok. He loves to play with his helmet and his little motorbikes. Every morning his father takes the helmet and goes to work with the scooter, so Watcharapon love to imitate him.

Watcharapon, 4 - Bangkok, Thailand

Watcharapon was born almost 4 years ago in Bangkok. He loves to play with his helmet and his little motorbikes. Every morning his father takes the helmet and goes to work with the scooter, so Watcharapon love to imitate him.

Gabriele Galimberti
Naya Gutierrez, 3 anni -  Managua, Nicaragua

Naya non ha molti giochi, solo un po' di finti stumenti da cucina, ma non si annoia mai di giocarci. Usa la terra e l'erba del giardino per far finta di cucinare dolci e insalate che regolarmente ofrre alla sorella maggiore.
Dice che quando sarà grande avrà un ristorante e cucinerà per tutti i turisti che arriveranno.

Naya, 3 - Puerto Viejo de Talamanca, Costa Rica

Naya doesn’t have many toys – she just has few small kitchen items, but she never gets bored playing with them. She uses mud and grass from the garden to pretend she’s cooking some cakes for her older sister. She says that in the future she will manage a restaurant and she’s sure that tourists will love it.

Gabriele Galimberti
Sofia Iris Shonfeld, 4 - Bradfort on Avon, UK

Sofia Iris Shonfeld, 4 - Bradfort on Avon, UK

Sofia lives in a huge custom-built barn and attends a private school in Bath. Her favorite toys are her doll “babies.” She has several and “feeds” them and pushes them around in buggies.

Gabriele Galimberti

Shotaro, 5 - Tokyo, Japan

Shotaro lives in a big house with his parents and grandparents. He has a little sister but he says: "Unfortunately, I can't play with her, she's only 1 years old!" Shotaro loves baseball and he dreams of becoming a professional player in the future.

Gabriele Galimberti