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Summer Corn Succotash

Summer succotash
Maya Visnyei


  • 2 cloves gar­lic
  • 3 ears corn
  • 1/2 pound green beans
  • 2 zuc­chini
  • 1 tablespoon but­ter
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • Lemon juice
  • Salt and pep­per


You want to start by prep­ping your veg­gies. You want every­thing to sort of the same size and I like the pieces to be quite small. Trim your green beans and then chop them into about half inch pieces. Trim the zuc­chini, cut in half length­wise, then slice those halves in four piece length­wise, then make dice by cut­ting across those pieces. Make sense? Run a sharp knife down your cobs of corn to get the ker­nels off. It's a slightly messy busi­ness as some ker­nels will fly around.

In a large skil­let, melt but­ter and add olive oil over medium high heat. Now add your gar­lic and push it around until it smells won­der­ful. Toss in the beans first as they'll take the longest to cook, give them two or three min­utes on their own in there. Now add the zuc­chini and cook for another three min­utes. And then the corn for another three min­utes. Give it a taste to see if every­thing is crisp tender.

Fin­ish with a pinch of salt and pep­per and a good squeeze of lemon. Serve on a big plat­ter and watch it disappear.