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Grilled Salmon with Thyme and Parsley Sauce (Salmone alla Griglia con Salsa al Timo)

Serves 4 as a main course or 6 as part of a multi-course Italian meal Servings


  • 2 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
  • 2 tablespoon Salt
  • 2 pound salmon fillet
  • 2 tablespoon flat leaf italian parsley
  • 2 teaspoon fresh thyme
  • 5 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
  • 5 tablespoon Freshly ground black pepper
  • 3 tablespoon fine dry bread crumbs


Baking Directions:


Preheat a charcoal or gas grill.


Put the lemon juice with 1 teaspoon salt in a small bowl.

Mix together thoroughly, with a small whisk or a fork, until the salt has dissolved.

Chop the parsley and thyme and add it to the bowl.

Whisk in 4 tablespoons of the olive oil until emulsified.


Season the fish with salt and pepper and coat it with the bread crumbs.

Drizzle the remaining olive oil on the salmon and place it on the grill.

Cook the fish for a total of about 5 minutes per inch of thickness, turning the fillets halfway through the cooking time.

When salmon is done it should flake but still be somewhat pink in the center.

Transfer to a serving platter, pour the sauce over it and serve at once.

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