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Take our Modern Grandparents survey!

National Grandparents' Day is September 7, and modern grandparents definitely do things their own way, starting with their nicknames — goodbye, Granny and Grampa, hello PeeBa and Gaga!We want to know about modern grandparents. Parents, please answer the questions below, and under that you'll find questions for grandparents to answer. Thank you!For parents:Grandparents: It's your turn!
Gaga (grandfather) holding his newest granddaughter, Eva, who was born in April, at her baptism this weekend.

National Grandparents' Day is September 7, and modern grandparents definitely do things their own way, starting with their nicknames — goodbye, Granny and Grampa, hello PeeBa and Gaga!

We want to know about modern grandparents. Parents, please answer the questions below, and under that you'll find questions for grandparents to answer. Thank you!

For parents:

Grandparents: It's your turn!