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Survey: Women more likely to send long text messages, say 'I love you'

Women are more likely than men to send longer messages and type out "I love you" when texting, perhaps in an attempt to "deepen relationships," according to a new study.The survey was conducted by a research firm that quizzed 1,000 adults in the U.S. and 1,000 more in the U.K. about their smartphone habits. It comes to us in a report entitled "The Psychology of SMS," from U.K.-based mobile commu

Women are more likely than men to send longer messages and type out "I love you" when texting, perhaps in an attempt to "deepen relationships," according to a new study.

The survey was conducted by a research firm that quizzed 1,000 adults in the U.S. and 1,000 more in the U.K. about their smartphone habits. It comes to us in a report entitled "The Psychology of SMS," from U.K.-based mobile communications company Acision, which commissioned the research.

The report also reveals that while men are more likely to text a larger number of contacts — 17, on average — women are more likely to "habitually text the same 13 people." Those women are about 41 percent more likely to send longer text messages, though, and about 54 percent more likely to write "I love you."

In the report, psychologist Graham Jones evaluates the research and notes that "men tend to be more practical sending short messages, compared to women who may text less people, but use text messages to deepen relationships."

Whatever happened to face-to-face conversations?



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