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The Ed Show for Monday, December 29th, 2014

Read the transcript to the Monday show

Date: December 29, 2014
Guest: Jumaane Williams,James Sanders Jr., John Garamendi, Zerlina
Maxwell, Eric Boehlert

ED SCHULTZ, MSNBC HOST: Good evening Americans and welcome to the Ed Show
live from Detroit Lakes, Minnesota.

Let`s get to work.


probably a rift that is going to go on for a while longer.

MAYOR BILL DE BLASIO (D) NEW YORK CITY: Police offers are called peace
officers. They keep the peace.

FORMER NEW YORK MAYOR RUDY GIULIANI: The mayor is not in anyway to be
treated with people turning their backs.

BRATTON: The issues go far beyond race relation in this city

DE BLASIO: This is not a black America or white America.

Asian America.

DE BLASIO: This is the United States of America.

OBAMA: Does the United States of America.


SCHULTZ: Good to have you with us tonight. Folks thanks for watching.
This year we`ve witness nationwide protest with the issues of race and
policing at the forefront. The percentages of Americans naming race
relation as the most important problem facing this country right now, has
shut up dramatically. This month it`s the highest since the Rodney King
trial in 1992. President Obama apparently see it differently an interview
with NPRs morning addition. The President was quoted as saying in an
interview to release soon. He thinks "In day to day interaction the United
States is probably less racially divided".

The President explained from the prospective of African-Americans or
Latinos in poor communities in this country who have been dealing with
these all their lives, they wouldn`t suggest somehow that it`s worse now
than it was 10, 15 or 20 years ago. He went on to say "I think the fact
that there`s a conversation about it, and that there are tools out there
that we know can make a difference should make us optimistic".

While President Obama is convinced, that we will actually, going to see
some progress on this issue in the coming year. It`s going to take a lot
of work if you see the news over the weekend. This weekend over 25,000
police officers from across the nation came to New York City to pay their
respects at the funeral of Officer Rafael Ramos. Ramos and his partner
were ambushed by a man claiming revenge for the death of Michael Brown and
Eric Garner. It was a celebration of Officer Ramos` life of service. New
York City Police Commissioner Bill Bratton used the moment to call for
empathy for both sides.


BRATTON: Officer Ramos was assassinated until he represent at all of us.
Maybe that`s the reason for the struggle we`re now in -- as a city, as a
nation. Maybe it`s because we`ve all come to see only what we represent,
instead of who we are. We don`t see each other. If we can -- if we can
learn to see each other, to see that our cops are people like Officer Ramos
and Officer Liu, to see that our communities are filled with people just
like them too.

If we can learn to see each other, then when we see each other, we`ll heal.
We`ll heal as a department. We`ll heal as a city. We`ll heal as a


SCHUTLZS: Unfortunately the biggest take away from this weekend`s funeral
is the moment hundreds of police officers turned their back when New York
City Mayor Bill de Blasio was speaking. The fact of disrespect, this act
of disrespect comes after Patrick Lynch the head of the city`s largest
police union said "That Mayor Bill de Blasio had the officer`s blood on his
hands". Commissioner Bratton made it clear he did not support the gesture.


BRATTON: This is a mayor that cares very deeply about New York City Police
officers. He has very deeply about the divide in the city at this time and
he`s working very hard to heal that divide. I certainly don`t support that
action yesterday. I think it was very inappropriate at that event. That
funeral was held to honor Officer Ramos and to bring politics, to bring
issues into that event I think was very inappropriate. And I do not
support it.


SCHULTZ: I couldn`t agree more. Even former New York City Mayor Rudy
Giuliani said it was the wrong method.


RUDY GIULIANI, FMR. NEW YORK CITY MAYOR: The mayor of the city New York
should be blamed for the murder of those police officers. That issue
should not have been injected, its wrong I told them there yesterday and I
don`t support that. The mayor is not in any way to be treated with people
turning their backs. It doesn`t matter if you like the mayor or you don`t
like the mayor. You have to respect the mayor`s position. I don`t support


SCHULTZ: We`ve reach out to the police union head who said that they`re
holding off comments until after Officers Liu`s funeral.

President Obama said that he believes race relations are getting better.
But it`s hard to ignore the growing rift. But why is it that there is such
discontent on the part of the New York City Police towards Mayor de Blasio?

It seems to me that the procedures by the police and the operations of the
police in New York City are pretty much the same as they were under Michael
Bloomberg. But it seems nationwide that law enforcement`s taken a black
eye from the public because they want things changed procedurally when it
comes to racial profiling. Maybe the Mayor hasn`t done enough there, maybe
he`s talked about too much which I think is pretty courageous.

But for the police union to hit and run, to make a comment and then say
"Well, we`re not going to talk about it anymore until after the funeral.
The damage has already been done. And I do believe that Mr. Lynch has an
obligation to communicate clearly what his problem is with the mayor of New
York City. He is the elected mayor of the people. The police department
is supposed to protect and serve. And I thought that they took a very
unusual platform of all things a funeral to show their political discontent
with the leader of the city who is elected by the people. I don`t see any
ground swell effort in New York City to get rid of the mayor of the city
Bill de Blasio.

But I do sense a lot of discontent amongst those who live in the city that
maybe they should change their procedures. You know, we all want the same
things. We all want a safe city, we all want to be respectful and I think
for what the police officers did at that funeral was a sign of disrespect
at the wrong time.

Get your cellphones out I want to know what you think. Tonight`s question,
have race relations improved in America?

Text A for yes, text B for no to 67622, you can always go to our blog at We`ll bring the results later on in the show.

Joining me tonight Jumaane Williams New York City Council Member and also
with us tonight State Senator James Sanders Jr of New York, gentlemen great
to have you with us tonight. I want your reaction to what nationally has
been one of the biggest stories of the weekend. The funeral of the police
officer and the fact that the police turned their backs on the mayor.
Councilman Williams your thoughts on that, was that the right method, do
you agree with it, was it the right think for them to do?

deplorable and actually many of us had previously said that maybe for a day
or two even the protest might be able to take hiatus and I would assume
that that went for the officer`s protest as well unfortunately I guess it
fell on deaf ears. But I do want to make sure we paint the proper picture
here because unfortunately many of the people who are speaking loudest are
the union side are using this tragedy because they`ve been a part of a I
guess about three or four year temper tantrum that they`ve been doing now.

They don`t want any conversation on police reform at all. So last year the
city council over the mayor was -- Mayor`s veto then past some reforms and
the police. The sky didn`t fall actually crime was continued, they lost
that battle in the city council, they lost that battle in the judge in the
federal judges court several times. They also lost it in the elections and
so they are frustrated now and actually taking this to a feverish
rhetorical pitch that`s been unseen in quite sometime and I actually think
it`s dangerous.

SCHULTZ: Well, Mr. Williams there`s a lot of people who are calling or
should I say a lot. Mayor Giuliani, former mayor, thinking that the now
Mayor Bill de Blasio should apologize to the police department. Do you
agree with that and what would the apology be for?

WILLIAMS: I`ve been asking people what would he be pardoning for? Just
made that the former mayor is even in this conversation because he
shouldn`t be, he didn`t leave here on a high note and I don`t think he did
much for the city so my hope is that he would be less quiet not more
talkative. But I do think this conversation has to continue and we have to
do it in a manner that civil. I think it`s unfair to say to black, brown
and poor communities that they have no right to be part of a discussion on
how they`re policed and discuss how resources are given to them.

SCHULTZ: Mr. Sanders -- State Senator Sanders. What do you think has to
be done right now? Is there this great of a divide in the city of New York
that is just basically a microcosm of what we might be seeing nationally.
What do you see as the remedy here?

one since goes the nation. I think that what we`re seeing is that finally
the sickness that has been under the cover has finally come to a fever
pitch. It`s coming out in the open and this is what needs to be dealt
with. Some people will say that we should push it back down, that we need
to go back to the good old days of seemingly silence. And they`re going to
argue that that was a better time. But I`m just curious my friends. I`m
curious as why is it when we speak of the black community -- if the black
community has to be given a forced dichotomy. Either you can have
constitutional rights or you can have safety.

Why can`t the black community, another people of color have the same thing
that everybody in America wants? A safe place where their rights are
protected and that forced dichotomy of, if you are saying that you have
rights then you`re somehow supportive of antipolice or something of this
nature is madness. And the quiet New Yorkers are about to speak. A press
conference are being organized on Wednesday where we will come out and have
good police and good citizens come together and say we want a civil
conversation here. The rhetoric, the inflammatory remarks that Pat Lynch
is making must be stopped. This is not our way and we don`t want to go to
that way. We, the good people will make their point made on Wednesday

WILLIAMS: Just to piggy back on.


WILLIAMS: Just to piggy back on that little bit.

SCHULTZ: Go ahead.

WILLIAMS: Because we have been asking them to come to the table to have a
conversation for years. And they just simply refused to do that even the
bills that we passed in the city council. We took some of the things that
they said and actually changed the bill. And they still refuse to come to
the table and still try to demonize it. And even the judge`s decisions
said that there has to be a community discussion and the police unions have
to be a part of that discussion and still they keep appealing, appealing,
appealing, it`s like they don`t want the discussion happen even though we
keep getting safer and even though those changes are coming. So if they
would come to the table we can all get past this and get and they`ll be
behind us. But they keep putting up this ridiculous dangerous rhetorical
front that makes no sense.

SCHULTZ: Senator Sanders have we lost sight of the fact that this was a
mentally unstable man who took the life of these two officers. And this
discussion has spiraled off into a lot other problems because of the
rhetoric. Blaming the mayor there`s blood on his hands. How so -- what is
-- your thoughts on that?

SANDERS: First thing first let say that any deranged person blaming stuff
on anyone. We don`t want such madness in our movement. Deranged folk have
no place here. This is not the -- ours are the movement of reform and of
justice. And a deranged person involving themselves does us no favor. But
let`s be clear. When people are saying that the mayor should - should
apologize, the question is apologized to what? Apologize for telling his
son how to survive a police encounter. Apologize for what? If there is
any apology that needs to be made Pat Lynch owes the city an apology for
heating us to this point of danger where the lines are being draw so firm
that in the minds of some that if you did not support anything and
everything that the police do whether right or wrong you`re antipolice and
a danger.

SCHULTZ: Well. And the thing that gets me here is that if they`re going
to turn their backs on the mayor at a funeral. It signals that they will
take any format. They will take any platform they possibly can to show
their discontent for the mayor.

WILLIAMS: And that so scary.

SCHULTZ: So Senator -- yeah I think it is scary too. I think it was an
error in judgment in a big way. Did the family know that they were going
to do this?


SCHULTZ: Spontaneous.

WILLIAMS: Disrespectful to the officer.

SCHULTZ: Yeah, go ahead.

WILLIAMS: It was disrespectful to what we`re going through. We should
have been focused and still should be focused Officer Ramos, Officer Liu`s
family. The deranged person that you mention also shot a young black woman
beforehand there was no protest on back women but still he was shot. They
have grabbed this because this is actually their last gasp of this tragedy
and unfortunately it still horrific and they`ve grasped on to it because
they actually had nothing else to gasp on to. Every other thing that they
put forth in the public has been debunked.

This myth about police reform being antipolice, this myth about if we try
to put some constitutionality and stop question of risk that crime would
skyrocket. This myth that if we have an inspector general police will know
what to do. They were losing all of those discussions and so they`ve
grabbed on to this and made this mass hysteria. And my hope is that they
will stop. Think about the city not just themselves let`s have.


WILLIAMS: . this discussion or has to happen in a civil way.

SANDERS: This is why we`re bringing.


SANDERS: . to get the good police officer who would join with us on our
press conference on Wednesday where we will have other good police officers
and good police people coming forward with citizen and saying listen my
friends we all need to pull back from the edge that Pat Lynch and company
are taking us to. Lets` have a civil discussion.

SANDERS: And let`s and there are hard needed reforms.

SCHULTZ: Senator, I think that`s a very profound point because I think the
officers need to communicate to the people of New York because Bill de
Blasio is the mayor now. This is how our lives have changed. I just don`t
see it. I mean I don`t think much has changed from de Blasio to Bloomberg.
Bloomberg, de Blasio -- what am I missing here Senator?

WILLIAMS: Well, there has been.

SANDERS: After you sir.

WILLIAMS: There has been some changes. Some of us don`t believe it has
been as much that we should have obviously the stops have gone down
considerably although they did stop -- they were stopping, they were going
down under Bloomberg. There has been some changes in the marijuana arrest.
It`s not as much we would like there`s been some changes in the summonses.
They did stop the appeal in the federal court. They did stop the appeal of
the two bills. So some things have happened and again as we`re moving and
inching toward where we should be. Crime hasn`t skyrocketed and so the
only thing that`s changed.


WILLIAMS: . is the rhetoric has increase.


SANDERS: Well one more thing.

SCHULTZ: All right.

SANDERS: . well one thing that is important that has changed is a question
of hope, is a question of that we would see some progressive movement in
New York City. So, many of these moves I would argue are, A not simply at
the mayor but what the mayor represents, a progressive start of New York.


SANDERS: So as I push back on any progressive motion.

SCHULTZ: Jumaane Williams and also with us tonight State Senator James
Sanders, great to have with us tonight.

SANDERS: Thanks for having.

WILLIAMS: The pleasure is mine.

SCHULTZ: I appreciate your time. We`ll continue the discussion. Thank
you sirs.

All right, remember to answer tonight`s question there at the bottom of
screen. We want to know what you think on this. Follow us on Twitter
@edshow, @wegoted, like us on Facebook all of that good stuff thank you.

Coming up, we have the latest on the search for flight 8501.

Plus, how low gas prices are pumping up? U.S. foreign policy, keep it here
we`ll be right back.


SCHULTZ: Welcome back to the Ed Show. Thanks for joining us tonight.
It`s just after 5:00 A.M. local time in Surabaya Indonesia and the start of
the third day of the search and rescue for Asia Air Flight 8501 in the Java
Sea, the head of Indonesia`s National Search and Rescue says they think the
plane is at the bottom of the sea.

The flight from Indonesia to Singapore lost contact with air traffic
controller on Sunday morning after pilots requested a change of altitude to
avoid bad weather.

The airbus say 320 200 was carrying 155 passengers including 17 children.
There were seven crew members on board on the flight including two pilots.

The airline says the captain had over 20,000 hours of flying experience.

Indonesia is leading a search and rescue mission to find the aircraft
headed by Singapore and Malaysia, the Royal Australian Air Force have sent
an Orion Aircraft to search by air which is the latest state of the art in

This afternoon, the Indonesian government asked the United States for
assistance. The State Department says it is reviewing the request. The
Pentagon Secretary says it could include some air surface and subsurface
detection capabilities.

The NTSB and the FAA say that they will deploy experts if they are

I`m joined by Greg Feith who was an NBC News and MSNBC Aviation Analyst and
Former NTSB Investigator.

Mr. Feith, good to have you with us tonight.


SCHULTZ: Just drawing on a little bit of my experience, I have been flying
for 30 years, and I think the vital piece of information here is that the
pilots requested an altitude change, and then shortly after that, there was
no more communication with the flight.

Now, this brings us to a number of different options, doesn`t it? The
pilots knew that they were going in to bad weather. They, you know, the
radar screens and the cockpit of this aircrafts don`t lie to you.

When it`s red.

FEITH: Yeah.

SCHULTZ: . and scarlet and pink, you got some issues ahead of you.

FEITH: Absolutely.

SCHULTZ: What do you make all of this?

FEITH: I think from the standpoint of the crew, they were monitoring the
weather. They were using their airborne weather radar to do that. And to
me it looks to that they perceive the threat from they saw on the radar.
They asked for a deviation not only of course but in an altitude change to
38,000 feet.

They were held at their cruise altitude of 32,000 feet because of other
traffic. And so the question is, by holding them on 32,000 and not
allowing them to climb did that put them in harm`s way because they
probably -- they perceived the threat and they were trying to get out of
harm`s way.

SCHULTZ: It`s known that the monsoon season is taken place right now.
This part of the world is known for violent thunderstorms with tops of some
65,000 to 70,000 feet. And if this aircraft is traveling in the 30`s I
mean they could be right in the thick of downdrafts and it is a fact that a
violent downdrafts and updrafts and turbulence can rip a part of fuselage.

FEITH: Absolutely.

SCHULTZ: Would you agree with that?

FEITH: Absolutely. I mean, I, as an investigator, I`ve investigated a
number of small general aviation aircraft where that is happened, where
pilots have gotten themselves into a thunderstorm, and the -- just by the
up and downdrafts and the violence that takes place the dynamic action
within a thunderstorm, the airplane has been torn apart.

However, with commercial airliners they have very robust. They have a very
strong structure, and while we all want to avoid flying through
thunderstorms as pilot we try to maintain that 20 mile radius around a

If that airplane does inadvertently commercial airliner gets into a
thunderstorm like that, well, it may not totally destroy the aircraft. It
could incapacitate it. It could create some damage to the aircraft and run
to the airplane, you know, incapacitated so that the flight crew cannot
control it.

SCHULTZ: Well, I`ve been in turbulence before where it knocked-out my
autopilot because of the servo went. I mean, it can do damage to an
aircraft. There`s no question about that.

And the other thing that I found interesting that was reported was that
this aircraft was traveling under 400 knots. And if that`s the case in an
aircraft that normally does 500 knots, this airbus say 320 that means at
least it tells me -- and I`m not an investigator -- that either they were
pushing some -- facing some heavy headwinds big time over a 100 knots, or
the pilot had slowed the aircraft down because he anticipated a problem and
want to give himself a few more seconds to divert away from what was on the
radar screen.

Now, I`m coming to a number of different conclusions here but this does
make sense, doesn`t it?

FEITH: Absolutely or it could have been a combination of both. We know
from past accidents and you knew it was pilot that whenever you get into
severe turbulence, moderate turbulence you want to slow the airplane down
to a maneuvering speed because you want to reduce the effects of those gas
loads, those instantaneous shocks to the airplane that you would get in
turbulence because that`s what does the damage.

So the pilot may have slowed the aircraft down because they were in
turbulence. They may have also been facing a headwind from an outflow from
those thunderstorms, and we have to remember that we don`t have valid radar
data that I have seen.

I know that there`s a lot of data floating around out there but that data,
that`s groundspeed that is not indicated airspeed so when we have those
radar data all we can do is investigators as trend that if the airspeed has
slowed or the groundspeed has slowed down, it could be for one of those two
reasons or a combination of both that you mentioned -- getting into a
headwind and or a pilot action.

SCHULTZ: And of course, the infamous black box would tell us just about
everything we need to know based on what we know so far of what speculating
on possibly what would have happened. But this is also an issue from
things that have been reported, Mr. Feith, our skies are crowded and these
air traffic controllers apparently did not accommodate the pilot`s request
to change altitude.

Now, the pilot is going ask for a request because either they`re getting
bounce around right now that they got to get out of it or they foresee
something coming on that they just don`t want to go through and then all of
the sudden there`s no contact.

So, a key portion here is, why weren`t they allowed to change altitude.
What do you think of that?

FEITH: Well, you have to remember that the primary duty of an air traffic
controller is aircraft separation. That is their so responsibility, all of
the other attendant duties of providing information about weather and other
things to a pilot. That`s secondary.

And if they have crossing traffic or they have conflicting traffic, they
have to maintain the separation that is required by international standard.
And so while the controllers denied the request for the accident crew to
climb to 38,000 feet, it was because there was a conflict.

If the pilot 8501 really believe that they had a problem, then he should
have declared an emergency, a mid-air or pan-pan and express to the
controller that would have given that pilot in that aircraft priority and
the controller then would have bylaw -- basically regulatory law -- had to
have accommodated that request. But if it was just, "Hey, we want to
climb", then that`s not going to have any kind of primacy over traffic
separation and the responsibilities to that controller.

SCHULTZ: Greg Feith, great to have you with us tonight. I appreciate
your expertise and your time here on the Ed Show.

FEITH: Thank you very much.

SCHULTZ: We appreciate it so much. Thank you.

Coming, low gas prices are pumping U.S. diplomacy overseas. Congressman
John Garamendi joins us for his take. And later, on the two minute drill,
well, it`s Black Monday in the NFL.

Up next, your questions AskEdLive just ahead. Stay with us.


SCHULTZ: Good have you back with us here on the Ed Show. I appreciate all
the questions from our viewers in our AskEdLive segment, it`s the holiday
season they all want to know.

Nicole`s first question tonight is how was your Christmas?

Well, it was fantastic. It really was. Church, food, family -- and if
you`re a grandparent, you understand this -- noise.

Our next question is from Julie.

What do you and Wendy going to do for New Year`s Eve?

SCHULTZ: Well, actually, we`ve already made plans. We`re going to stay
home probably watching movie in a dungeoneous crab and don`t tell anybody
but I might have a couple of coolants.

Lots more coming up for the Ed Show. Stay with us. We`re right back.

MARY THOMPSON, CNBC CORRESPONDENT: I`m Mary Thompson with your CNBC Market
Wrap. Stocks in mix but little change since Dow falls 15 points. The S&P
is one and the Nasdaq finishes flat.

Oil continuous to fall. Crude, dropping about 2 percent to $53.61 per
barrel. That`s the lowest price since May of 2009.

Algeria`s oil ministers is calling for OPEC to cut output and support
prices something that Cartel has been unwilling to do.

And Shake Shack has planning to go public, the burger chain with more than
60 outlets expects to begin selling share in 2015.

That`s it from CNBC first in business worldwide.


SCHULTZ: Welcome back to the Ed Show. Thanks for watching tonight.

In the final few days of 2014, traders are expecting a big year over year
decline in oil and gasoline prices. Detroit Lakes, Minnesota, $2.13 of
gallon, I`m loving it.

The average price for gallon of gas is $2.29. Over the last six months,
the cost of a barrel of crude oil has tumbled nearly 50 percent. Crude
closed at $55.14 a barrel on Friday. This decline has sent shockwaves
through the energy industry in the global market.

Several big oil exporting nations like Russia, Iran, and Venezuela, they
are feeling the impact the pinch big time.

American crude oil production rose to an average of about 9 million barrels
a day from 5 million barrels a day back in 2008. A 4 million barrel
increase is more than either Iraq or Iran. The hard hit international oil
producers are blaming the United States for their woes.

There is trouble in Vladimir Putin`s paradise. Russia has suggested
Washington and Saudi Arabia are working together to deliberately drive
prices down.

Last year, one-third of Russia`s exports came from crude oil. According to
the Deutsche Bank of Russia, it needs about $100 per barrel to balance its

The ripple effects are spreading much more broadly than just in Russia.

Congressman John Garamendi of California joins us tonight. He`s the member
of the Armed Services Committee in Congress.

Congressman, good to have you with us tonight. I appreciate your time.

JOHN GARAMENDI, (D) CALIFORNIA: Always good to be with you Ed and happy.

SCHULTZ: Looking.

GARAMENDI: . go ahead.

SCHULTZ: You bet. You know, looking at these numbers, and what it is
doing to the Russian economy, how nervous is that make you knowing that
Putin can be a pretty unpredictable character.

How do you -- what do you make all of this?

GARAMENDI: Well, anytime there is trouble in any economy. It`s time to be
concerned. Certainly Putin is presumably ought to be concerned about it.

He needs to secure his political fortunes in Russia by blaming somebody to
suggest that Saudi Arabia and United States are conspiring to lower gas
prices to harm Russia as far fetch but that is precisely what he is
probably telling his people. There`s got to be some enemy.

The problem for us is, is he going to reach outside his own country to find
trouble elsewhere to take attention away from what is going to be, a
troubled economy in the year ahead. That can be a concern and certainly
we`ve already seen some of that in the Ukraine.

SCHULTZ: Yeah. The Former Finance Minister of Russia warmed of a "full
blown economic crisis" and called for better relations with Europe and the
United States. That doesn`t sound like the way Putin operates. What are
your expectations?

GARAMENDI: Well, maybe it`s the yin and the yang, maybe it`s the left and
the right trying to find someway to stabilize their situation but I don`t
see these oil prices moving very far. We do have and all of the above
domestic policy here.

We`ve seen that 4 million barrel a day increase in domestic production
since President Obama has taking office and it`s his policy. We`ve also
seen a major step forward in the United States on all of the green
technologies. We just passed a new tax law that continued the subsidies
for all of the green technologies.

So, we`re going to track here to, one, maintain our oil production and our
gas production as well as moving very aggressively to other technologies to
provide us with the energy we need -- solar, wind, biofuels of all kinds.

So I don`t think we`re going to see.


GARAMENDI: . these prices go up very rapidly. Now OPEC may step in.
There`s talk that they may but they are not going to be able to really
easily overcome the all of the above strategies that President Obama has
put in place successfully here in the United States.

SCHULTZ: Congressman John Garamendi, great to have you with us tonight. I
appreciate your time so much. Thanks so much.

GARAMENDI: Thank you.

SCHULTZ: Joining me now is Mike Papantonio, Ring of Fire Radio Host.

Mike, there is geopolitical play here now with Keystone. If the President
approves Keystone it`s -- I think as far as Putin is concern, it`s going to
make it look like we`re through on more oil on the market to make their
economy worst. What do you make at this play?

MIKE PAPANTONIO, RING OF FIRE HOST: Well, there`s another factor in this -
- I mean, from an American consumer`s standpoint, cheaper fuel is
spectacular. It`s easy for the other side to talk about that cheaper fuel,
cheaper fuel, cheaper fuel.

Yeah, when it`s cheaper it obviously means disposable income to buy big
ticket consumer items because of that consumer goods need to be
manufactures and more jobs are created. But really there`s a bigger
problem here. You can`t really miss the fact that there are some --
there`s another side of this. And this is what the discussion needs to be.

If the bank of the England have -- is what they call the financial policy
community for decades, Ed that group is monitored both positive and
negative systemic changes in the world economy.

I think they got it right when they pointed out that there are significant
geopolitical risks to what`s going on with falling oil prices. The
Keystone I`m not sure it`s going to affect anything but the argument isn`t
-- it looks like it`s putting more pressure on oil prices.

Depressed oil price is.


PAPANTONIO: . definitely cause problems for countries like Iran for
example. It`s losing more than $1 billion per month because of the -- it`s
a farther the point, Ed, to the chief economist one of the -- the very
chief economist in that area of the world admits that Iran needs money

Russian as you just talked about is experiencing a triple slap in their
face between the international sanctions to the Ukraine, Ruble is falling
because of wealth gaps and now they have what used to be oil that they sold
for $115 a barrel reduced.


PAPANTONIO: . to $60.


PAPANTONIO: So take that and add Keystone to it and this is a big pressure
area from geopolitics. It`s not just domestic issues anymore.

SCHULTZ: Well, the Republicans wanted the Drill Baby Drill -- what we`ve
been drilling and now there`s a world affect here but also our consumption
is different now because of all of the green technology and the effort that
we`ve made as a society to do some things differently.

But, you know, this is hitting the Bakken Shale too. There`s a scale back
in the economy in the Northern Tier right now because of these oil prices
as well. It`s not as if that, you know, they are taking the profits
through the roof right now.

The big play here though -- this is a real opportunity for foreign policy
though, isn`t it?

PAPANTONIO: It`s absolutely a great opportunity for foreign policy. Look,
there`s -- we want to pay attention to foreign policy. There`s a great
domino effect. For example, Venezuela, largest oil reserves in the world.
95 percent of their export money comes from oil reserves that they ship out
of the country.

How do they repay massive debts to Europe and Asia, the banks that help
finance business and government in Venezuela? That has an effect on

SCHULTZ: They refinance.

PAPANTONIO: Absolutely.

So, look, is it a good thing that Russia experiences financial severe,
financial crisis because of the oil issue?


PAPANTONIO: No, it`s not.


PAPANTONIO: . because they`re stopped investment in European business.

SCHULTZ: The big story in 2014 has been the American economy.


SCHULTZ: All the obstruction has not stopped -- the ingenuity, the
entrepreneurialship and everything else, the heart and the spirit of the
American people.

Look at the stock market, look at the number of people that have gotten
jobs back, look at the corporate profits that have been going. What we
need now is investment. There`s more opportunity if we invest in our

We right now are the guiding light of the world economy right now and this
is a real opportunity for America to move forward, put these prices where
they are.

Mike, great to have you with us. Mike Papantonio, Americas lawyer here.

PAPANTONIO: Thank you.

SCHULTZ: . on the Ed Show.

Coming up, the Noise Machine of 2014. We are counting down the most
memorable conservative talking points of the year.

Keep it here. We`re right back.


SCHULTZ: And here we go tonight, two-minute drill. It`s the firing season
in the NFL.

Actually, that old coach from the Houston Oilers, Bum Phillips used to say,
"There`s two kinds of coaches -- them that`s been fired and them that`s
going to get fired."

Well, earlier today three of them got the ax.

New York Jets got rid of Rex Ryan. He is fired today. Ryan, had 46 and 50
record over six years of the Jets, GM was also tossed out.

They did thank of the two AFC championship games. Marc Trestman out with
the Bears. I think that`s more of a Jay Cutler problem than a Trestman
problem but when you loss five games to end this season, it ain`t good.

Mike Smith, Falcons, also out.

Jim Harbaugh leaving the 49ers to go coach at the University of Michigan.
Big box. Michigan sees what it would really be like to be in that final
four playoff instead of Ohio State.

That`s what that`s all about.

And weren`t the Packers awesome, how about that community on Green Bay
Packers? I`m a big fan.

Keep it right. We`re right back on the Ed Show.


SCHULTZ: Welcome back to the Ed Show.

Finally tonight, in 2014, we saw the worst of conservative media. Media
Matters compiled a list of this year`s biggest ethical disasters.

Fox News cooped-up my favorite when the network paraded around their part
time contributor and full-time carpetbagger, Scott Brown.


SCOTT BROWN, FMR. MASSACHUSETTS SENATOR: Good morning to you guys. How
are you?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We`re doing OK. Actually, you`re doing really well.
Yesterday, you got an endorsement from a prominent Democrat (inaudible).

Lot of us got about this certain picture of you and your polar plunge here.
May I have that picture guys. Michelle is out there.

BROWN: Yeah, thanks man.

UNIDENTIFED MALE: Because all the women on the staff are going nuts. And
immediately -- take a look at this ladies -- immediately Senator, had me
thinking of a certain other Massachusetts guys and (inaudible) me. This
picture. John Kennedy -- that moment. What do you think?

BROWN: Well, first of all I`m just being myself now.

UNIDENTIFED MALE: I think both sides are saying you are one of the finest
politicians that they`ve seen because you like people and you like meeting
them and you`ll have a few bears with them?


SCHULTZ: But he just can`t win.

Scott Brown used the network as a springboard for his failed campaign.

Fox News was happy to play along. New Hampshire didn`t take debate but Fox
welcomed him back with open arms.

Media Matters also names George Will as the Misinformer of the Year. The
conservative columnist wrote, privilege is a by product of sexual assault.
Will says when progressivism makes victimhood of coveted status that
confers privileges, victims proliferate. Will`s as say undercuts the
effort to combat sexual assault while belittling victims. The conservative
wouldn`t apologize, he doubled down in fact. After backlash, George Will
lost to readers and credibility, not a good year.

Joining me tonight, Zerlina Maxwell, political analyst, and also with us
tonight, Eric Boehlert, senior fellow at Media Matters. Eric, you first.
Not a good year for George Will, he also spread false information on Ebola
during the height of the panic.


SCHULTZ: What do you make of that? What is he done to the face of this
conservative media?

BOEHLERT: Right, he was supposed the intellectual right, he was the
conservative, I may be see for decades, they finally got tired of Missouri.
He runs the Fox News and he sort of -- I guess really truly exposes himself
of what he really thinks. You know as you said, when a national television
suggesting that Ebola could be you know, spread through the air, which is
just insanely irresponsible, almost this insanely irresponsible as writing
a column suggesting there`s privilege status for sexual assault of the
victims, and you`re going to proliferate these cases because everyone wants
this coveted status.

Those two right there, were just really reprehensible and really went to
the core of conservative media`s major problems this year which was, Ebola
hysteria and then you know, trying to dumb play the sexual assault on

SCHULTZ: Yeah. Zerlina, how much status to George Will comments due to a
combating sexual assault in what we`re dealing within society?

ZERLINA MAXWELL, POLTICAL ANALYST: Well I mean, he was just another person
making a victim blaming argument. Basically, asserting that victim comfort
and claim it had been sexually assault and then tended benefit anything.
And in order to agree with George Will you have to believe that there isn`t
a privilege status or some sort of benefits to coming forth and talking
about your experience with sexual assault. And we know that that is not

I think that so many instances this year especially with Phil Cosby in UVA
and also all of the campus activists. It`s clear that there is no
privilege status when it comes to sexual assault. And so, I think, to
George Will is just another example of an out of touch person living in the

SCHULTZ: Eric, what about Fox News cuddling up to Scott Brown, I mean, it
was never about policy.


SCHULTZ: . it was never about, you know, what he has accomplished or where
he wanted to take the state. I just find they cradled this guy because
they liked him. I doesn`t have to do with any kind of policy or his record
as a leader. Did they set a new standard for journalistic ethics with
their treatment with this guy?

BOEHLERT: The set that standard low for many years, now. Look I mean,
Scott Brown who has this career to Fox News, Mike Huckabee owes his, you
know, political career, his presidential aspirations to Fox News, Ben
Carson, whose polling really well now among Republicans owes his career to
this Fox News platform.

Look, the Fox News as we`ve talked about before, is basically replaced the
NRC. They have set -- they set the guidelines for the primaries -- for the
Republican primary. We`re going to see an absolute repeat in 2016 from
what is found in 2012. Fox News is going to run the Republican primary and
if you`re on their shows, you`re going to get a leg up. The downside is
you then owe Fox News your political career.


SCHULTZ: Zerlina, didn`t Fox pretty much doubled down after 2012 gearing
up for the midterms in `14, I mean if they just doubled down even with
further to the right as I saw it.

MAXWELL: One of the things I think that we need to be talking about
strategically is Democrats here at the end of the year is calling them out
on all their wrong information and this misinformation about ObamaCare,
because right now today, there are 10 million at health insurance, that as
the beginning of the year didn`t have health insurance.

And Fox News, you know, they.

BOEHLERT: Good point.

MAXWELL: . beating that anti ObamaCare hysteria drum all along and yet,
after the midterm elections, it`s like, you know, you can hear a pin drop
when it comes to ObamaCare, you don`t hear them talking about it that much.

SCHULTZ: Yeah. I think you`re right, I mean Dodd Frank was going to kill
Wall Street for over 18,000 by the way.

MAXWELL: Right. Hysterical.

SCHULTZ: Let`s say, ObamaCare was going to be a job killer, that didn`t

BOEHLERT: Gas going to be.

SCHULTZ: Oh by the way, let`s roll a fact.

BOEHLERT: Gas was going to be $5.

SCHULTZ: . let`s roll it back to Bush tax cuts.



SCHULTZ: . if we allow the Bush tax cuts to expire, it`s going to be job
killer. They have been wrong on everything and have not contributed at all
to the success of this Obama economy as we close out 2014. Zerlina
Maxwell, Eric Boehlert, great to have you with us tonight, I appreciate
your time. That`s The Ed Show, I`m Ed Schultz. Politics Nation with
Reverend Al Sharpton, starts right now. Good evening, Rev.


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