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Take our survey! How successful is your marriage?

We want to hear from you! Fill out the poll and contribute to our upcoming series on successful marriages.
/ Source: TODAY

As part of TODAY's ongoing "Summer of Secrets" series, next week we'll be sharing the secrets behind a successful marriage. We're examining marriage by the numbers — zeroing in on what makes the commitment in modern times tick, and how to get through rough patches when they arise.

If you're considering couples' therapy, we've got you covered, with all you need to know about making the most of an upcoming couples' retreat. On the other end of the spectrum, you'll also hear from the happiest of couples, and what they've done to keep the spark alive.

So, whether you're perfectly happy or in a bit of a rut, our experts will guide you on how you can make every day, a happy day.

Just married sign on car, marriage week on TODAY
Vintage wedding car with just married sign and cans attached; Shutterstock ID 130862363; PO: marriage-week-today-stock-tease-150821; Client: TODAY DigitalShutterstock

We want to hear from you! Fill out the survey below and contribute to our upcoming series on successful marriages.