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'Gay Dumbledore'? Those are fighting words in the 'Big Brother' house

Updated at 3:50 p.m. PT:Battles in the “Big Brother” house are nothing new, but a fight over the sexual orientation of a beloved character from the “Harry Potter” books sure marks a first.Live-feed viewers caught the unexpected action last night, when returning houseguest Jeff Schroeder lost his cool upon learning that the headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry happens to

Updated at 3:50 p.m. PT:

Battles in the “Big Brother” house are nothing new, but a fight over the sexual orientation of a beloved character from the “Harry Potter” books sure marks a first.

Live-feed viewers caught the unexpected action last night, when returning houseguest Jeff Schroeder lost his cool upon learning that the headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry happens to be gay.  

“He’s in a school with little kids,” Schroeder exclaimed. “You don’t want to make that guy gay. I don’t think it’s the right thing to have a little kid’s book and have the headmaster that you’re locked away with in a magical land be gay. I don’t think that’s the right thing to do.”

Taken aback, fellow houseguest Kalia Booker protested, explaining that she didn’t see any problem with Dumbledore’s sexuality.

“I can see your PC view,” Schroeder shot back before continuing his rant. “I don’t think it’s the right thing to do. OK, listen. You know exactly what I’m saying. Don’t make it seem like you’re doing the right thing by saying it’s not (wrong). You’re going to let a storybook, where they go away to fantasy camp, and it’s all little kids without their parents, and the guy is gay…”

“Just because he’s gay doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with him,” Booker said.

But Schroeder obviously remained far from convinced.

“Get the f--- out of here!” he shouted before accusing Booker of simply giving the “right answer” for TV.

On Wednesday, CBS released a statement in response to the rant, which published: "Big Brother is a reality show about watching a group of people who have no privacy 24/7 — and seeing every moment of their lives. At times, the houseguests make comments, reveal prejudices and other beliefs that we do not condone. Any views or opinions expressed in personal commentary by a houseguest appearing on 'Big Brother,' either on any live feed from the house or the broadcast, are those of the individual(s) speaking and do not represent the views or opinions of CBS or the producers of the program.”

Do you think that Dumbledore rant will mean the end of Schroeder's fan favorite status? Share your thoughts on our Facebook page!

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